Quick Quality of Life

Sort Your Party

  • type /psort

Hide/Show Nameplates

  • This helps to keep only party members and friends list members names turned on, hiding everyone else’s names off.
    Example Use: Events that have a huge crowd of people.

Hide Nameplates
/nameplatedisp other 4

Reveal Nameplates
/nameplatedisp other 1

Turning Effects On and Off
This is useful for when you can’t see the boss because everyone’s abilities are covering it up.

Turn Effects Off
/bfx self full
/bfx party simple
/bfx other off

Turn Effects On
/bfx self full
/bfx party full
/bfx other full

For a 16m22s YouTube video on Macros: Click Here!:click:

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About Macros

They are incredibly useful/terrible. For example, using a macro in a multi-healer duty to call out reviving someone is good because it saves the other healer from needlessly wasting time-saving the same person. Whereas a Macro designed to replace using a combo of skills will decrease your efficiency overall (2.5s is the global cooldown time and using a macro, you are limited to the nearest integer rounded up, any macro will force your execution time to 3s.)

They can be great to replace skills to simplify targeting. For example, The Dark Knight’s Salted Earth is a ground-target skill. Replacing the skill with a macro that applies the skill to the target cuts down on time mousing over to the correct area.

It also saves time on typing!! This is the greatest perk. Simply clicking on a button to call out “Switch!” or “Stop! I need to refill Mana” or “Ignore ADDs and Focus down boss” helps to smooth out gameplay and keeps the DPS pouring.

Use sound effects and chat messages judiciously. Save them for something important. Needlessly having sound effects can cause alliance/party members to ignore truly important messages. Also, no one wants to see “BUNSHIN NO JUTSU” just because your Ninja uses the skill Bunshin.

Macros DO NOT CHAIN by themselves. Meaning, if you have a Macro that doesn’t complete to how you like it after 15 lines, you’ll have to create a new one and finish it manually.

Macro actions are different from PvP and PvE.

Please note, this is a living document. If there is anything that doesn’t work or if there are patch changes, this will be updated to reflect the new changes.

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Icons & Common Use Command Lines

Macros come with a small group of icons that are somewhat okay. Nothing too crazy and having 20+ Icons with the little M in the corner is blah. This is where you can change the icons to something you do like!

  • Note: You don’t need to own the item, emote, etc., but you do need to know the proper name.

Emotes require the Proper name, not the command name.

  • Example: It is ‘Ball Dance’ and not ‘balldance’.

The line for changing macro icons is:

  • /micon “(name of what you want the icon to look like” (what it is, item, emote, etc. Except Skills)

/micon “Raise”
/micon “Soul of the Paladin” item
/micon “Manderville Dance” emote

While writing macros for your skills, you will have to designate how it will be used.

  • For Example: I don’t want to deselect/move the boss I’m fighting, but there is ADD in my range. I will write my macro like this:

/micon “Shield Lob”
/ac “Shield Lob” <mo>

I designated the action of Shield Lob to Captain America at the ADD that I have my mouse cursor on without having to actively change targets. The most important thing about writing macros is to think about how you use the skill, do you mouse over or do you need to make sure the target is truly locked onto? Experiment and find out what you like!

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[#] – Replace with Numerical Value

[subcommand] – Typically the subcommands will be “View, Change, Save, Delete”

[target] – Replace with how you want to target. See Sub Chapter, Common Use Targeting.

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Common use Targeting

<t> – Active Target

<tt> – Target of Target

<mo> – Mouse Over, basically when you use your cursor over your target, the game will lock on for you without deselecting the target you have actively selected.

<me> – Target action will be on you

<#> – Replace with a Party Member of your choice. Typically, will end up being 2 as tanks require working with their “off-tank”

<attack#> – Replace # with the integer of your choice. This in combination with /target will quickly switch to the target that has been marked with a 1.

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Common use Commands

/merror off – Shuts off alerts on the macro not being to execute. (Helpful to not flood your chat box)

/ac [skill] – Executes Chosen Action (PvE)

/pvpaction [skill] – Executes Chosen Action (PvP)

/blueaction [skill] – Executes Chosen Action (Blue Mage)

/bluespellbook [command] – [set “spells” on (or off)] -turns on or off the desired spell; [preset #] – activates preset Blue Mage hotbar; [clear] – clears all spells

/hotbar [subcommand] [source] [target] – Selects the hotbar of your choice. Ex. /hotbar copy GLD 10 share 6. This will take the hotbar of Gladiator and copy all of them to hotbar 6.

/hud [UI Element] [on/off] – Turns on/off chosen Hud Element.

/check [target] – Allows the ability to examine players.

/mk [#]

/hudlayout [#] – Switches to the Hud Layout of your choice.

/gs [subcommand] [#] [#] – Gearset command the 1st # is your gear set, the 2nd # is the glamour plate you wish to add. (If there is no glamour plate you wish to apply, leave this off).

  • Example: /gs change 3 8. (Changes your gearset to the 3rd saved gearset with the 8th glamour plate)

/target [command] – hard targets chosen target. <2> for second on party list.

/assist [command] – typical setup will be /assist <2> as a healer. This will allow you to hard target the tank’s target to let loose some DPS.

/facetarget – if you have no idea where the enemy is, this will snap your character to face the target.

<wait.[#]> – pauses the macro to the nearest integer (rounded up).

  • Example: Writing <wait.2.5> causes the game to make you wait 3 seconds.

<pos> – Marks your current location on map

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Chat Macros

/a – Alliance

/s – Say

/l or /l[#] – Linkshell

/cwl[#] – Cross World Linkshell

/p – Party

/pt – PvP Team

/y – yell

/sh – shout

/e – Echo (This is only for you. No one can see this message. Great for creating messages that need your attention. I.e. Knowing when benediction is ready to be used after being used)

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This one is a bit special and helps to alleviate the crowd of names that pop up during play. Or during PvP, see how many are actively targeting you. However, the subcommands and settings are different so I had to create a new section.

all – All Players
self – You
party – Party Members
other – Other Player Characters
friend – PCs on your Friends List
feast – Feast Opponents

/nameplatedisp [category] [setting#] – This changes how PC nameplates are displayed and when
1 – Always
2 – During Battle
3 – When Targeted
4 – Never

/nameplatetype [category] [setting#] – This changes how PC nameplates show up
1 – Full Name
2 – Surname Abbreviated
3 – Forename Abbreviated

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Sound Effects

Sound Effects are great for drawing attention to your message in chat. However, as I have prefaced, please be judicious in its application. Annoying players with sound effects will decrease its value.

Replace # with the following:

  1. alert (msg)
  2. alert (clear)
  3. ERROR (ding)
  4. ERROR (scratchy)
  5. alert (beep)
  6. WARNING (danger bongos)
  7. alert (high trill)
  8. alert (medium trill)
  9. WARNING (high chime)
  10. alert (low chime)
  11. ERROR (low)
  12. ERROR (quiet)
  13. alert (chirp)
  14. alert (quiet beep)
  15. alert (shaky trill)
  16. alert (quiet bell)

Some good applications are:
Do Not Attack Macro
/mk ignore1
/p Do not attack <ignore1>! <se.7>

PvP Pinch Macro

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Skills to Macro

Here I will list out some sample Skills that will help you during PUGs that don’t have the luxury of voice chat. This helps to alleviate issues with chats. Also, it can cut downtime by not having to constantly select or tab through enemies or party members.

Tank Specific:
As I listed earlier, Shield Lob, Tomahawk, Unmend, and Lightning Shot are great to use <mo> as it doesn’t need you to switch targets.

Other Things to Think About

/micon “cover”
/ac cover <mo> <wait.1>
/p I’ll be Covering you, <mo>. Stick close to me for 12s!
/merror off

/micon “Raise (or Ascend or Resurrection)”
/ac raise <t>
/s I’m reviving, <t> !
/merror off

Sometimes in a pitched battle, when you still want to help with DPS, but can’t afford to deselect the person you are healing, you can do this.
/micon “Ruin II”
/ac “Ruin II” <tt>

This helps to keep your selected target of healing to stay locked onto, but you can sneak in a quick attack spell.

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The PvP event “The Feast” only allows a preset list of textual commands known as Quick Chat. Target marking becomes crucial and knowing who to target and how to target becomes crucial. If you are in a premade group or in a pickup, these should help to smooth out the flow of battle.

Specific Targeting Subjects Will Be

  • Note: These are for a typical HUD setup, adjust for yours


  • # will typically be: 1 or me – You, 2 – Tank (or Healer), 3 – Melee DPS (or Healer), 4 – Ranged DPS (or Melee DPS)


  • If you are a Tank, your setup will be: 2 – Healer, 3 – Melee DPS, 4, Ranged DPS
  • If you are a Melee DPS, your setup will be: 2 – Tank, 3 – Healer, 4 – Melee DPS


  • # will typically be: 1 – Tank, 2 – Healer, 3 – Melee DPS, 4 – Ranged DPS

Marking Your Target

  • /mk <#> – Replace with attack 1-5 or triangle, cross, square, or circle

Targeting the Chosen Target

  • This should allow you to quickly switch to the target that has been marked and you character will snap to the chosen target or use something similar as a healer to quickly switch to the designated person to heal /target <#> – Replace with attack 1-5 or triangle, cross, square, or circle or Integer /facetarget

Party Target

  • This one is an example for skills that requires putting Protect (Healers), Cover (PLD) or Aetherial Manipulation (BLM) or any other skill that protects or requires hard targeting of party members.
  • /pvpaction Cover <2> – Covers the Healer
  • /pvpaction “Aetherial Manipulation” <4> – Teleports to the Melee DPS for escape

Hopefully, these macros added to your hotbar smooth out gameplay and help in your goal to get higher tiers!

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Categories: Tips


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