Grand Company – What Is?

Grand Companies have no impact on story or progression, however, they do offer various rewards such as unique aesthetics (related to the GC you’re in), experience opportunities, perks, achievements, materials, orchestrions, minions, bardings, and more!

To join a Grand Company, you must first reach level 20 and complete the main story quest, “A Hero in the Making.”
• Grand Companies give you access to unique cosmetic gear and items, promotions, and more ways to shape your character’s story.
• You need to rank up in your Grand Company to acquire an FC room.

Maelstrom :z_BannerMaelstrom:

The Maelstrom is known for its maritime prowess and is focused on protecting the coastal city-state of Limsa Lominsa. They value freedom, adventure, and strength.
Location: Limsa Lominsa, Upper Decks (x13.1, y12.7)

Order of the Twin Adder :z_BannerTwinAdder:

The Twin Adder is dedicated to safeguarding the forested realm of Gridania. They prioritize unity, harmony, and preservation.
Location: New Gridania (x9.8, y11.0)

Immortal Flames :z_BannerImmortalFlames:

The Immortal Flames are centered around the sultanate of the desert city of Ul’dah and have a mercantile and military focus. They prioritize wealth, power, and influence.
Location: Ul’dah, Steps of Nald (x8.3, y9.1)

Changing your Grand Company

  • Can switch GCs once reaching the rank of Second Lieutenant.
  • Upon returning to a Grand Company after a transfer, your previous rank will be restored, allowing you to ‘max out’ all three Grand Companies if you wish.
  • When you do return to your primary, you will be able to use those frozen seals again.
  • After changing your allegiance, you must wait 15 days before changing again.
  • The first change is free, but any subsequent changes will cost 50,000 gil.

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How To – Grand Company Ranks


Private Third Class
• Completion of lvl 20 MSQ
• 10,000 Seal Cap
• Deliveries

Private Second Class
• 2,000 Seals
• 15,000 Seal Cap

Private First Class
• 3,000 Seals
• 20,000 Seal Cap

• 4,000 Seals
• 25,000 Seal Cap

Petty Officer

Sergeant Third Class
• Completion of Grand Company Hunting Log Rank 1
• 5,000 Seals
• 30,000 Seal Cap
• lvl 30 GC Leves
• Whitebrim GC Leves

Sergeant Second Class
• 6,000 Seals
• 35,000 Seal Cap
• Expert Deliveries

Sergeant First Class
• 7,000 Seals
• 40,000 Seal Cap

Chief Sergeant
• Completion of lvl 44 Quest: “Shadows Uncast”
• 8,000 Seals
• 45,000 Seal Cap
• Mor Dhona GC Leves


Second Lieutenant
• Completion of Grand Company Hunting Log Rank 2
• Completion of lvl 47 Quest: “Gilding the Bilious”
• 9,000 Seals
• 50,000 Seal Cap
• Adventurer Squadrons
• Access to an FC Room

First Lieutenant
• Completion of “Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery” via Adventurer Squadrons.
• 80,000 Seal Cap

• Completion of “Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike” via Adventurer Squadrons.
• Unlocking this requires doing 5 different Command Missions.
• 90,000 Seal Cap

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Earn Company Seals

Expert Delivery Missions
• Rank of Sergeant Second Class or higher is required.
• Speak to the Grand Company Personnel Officer to donate specific items, materials and equipment (obtained in dungeons) in exchange for Seals.
Acceptable items include all gear with names that are not yellow in their help window. Items must be of Aetherial, Green, or Blue rarity. In addition, the item must be sellable to vendors, which is indicated by a “Sells for” value in its tooltip.


  • Completing Company Quests
  • Daily Roulettes
  • F.A.T.E.s (this is a decently quick way to get them)

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Squadron Rewards

Squadron Battle Manual – Combat
• EXP Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m

Squadron Engineering Manual – Crafting
• EXP Bonus: +20% Duration: 120m

Squadron Survival Manual – Gathering
• EXP Bonus: +20% Duration: 120m

Priority Aetheryte Pass
• Teleport Fee Reduction: 40% Duration: 120m

Gold Saucer VIP Card
• MGP Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m

Priority Seal Allowance
• Seal Bonus: +15% Duration: 120m

Squadron Rationing Manual
• Food Duration Increase: +15m Duration: 120m

Squadron Gear Maintenance
• Manual Gear Wear Decrease: +30% Duration: 120m

Squadron Spiritbonding Manual
• Spiritbond Bonus: +3 Duration: 120m
• Does not fall off when you die.

Squadron Enlistment Manual
• Increases the chance of a new recruit.
• Effect ends upon the recruit’s arrival.

Grand Company Leves
List of Leves:click:
• G.C. leves produce bonus seals if aligned with a Grand Company (ARR)

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Leveling Using Squadrons

Unlocking your Squadron
• Obtain Second Lieutenant with your Grand Company.

Website for Squadron Management :click:

Perks of leveling with your Squadron
• No queue!
• No one to have to talk to!
• They can be dumb sometimes, but they’re always the same dumb! No surprise dumb!

Squadron Class Selection
• You want an Arcanist, a Conjuror and a Gladiator.
• Lots of AoE.
• Their pets will instantly attack everything.
• They cast Physic if the tank (or you) are low on health and their bubbles apply slow.
• Well, it’s your only option. lol~
• You want the circular Flash over the cone Overpower… Overpower misses. A lot.

No-no Classes
Thaumaturge – Not great.
• They like to stand around for a few seconds before they do anything at all.
All Melee – Okay.
• Good at killing bosses
• They generally wont AoE and most of your time in dungeons is spent killing trash.
• They stand around when a fight starts.

Are you leveling a
• Baby your tank, things will take a while to die.
• Play defensively, Healers heal late when not set to Defensive, things will take a while to die.
• It’ll be slow, at first.

• A rank 5 Offensive will do 60% more damage and healing.
• A rank 1 Independent (the starter) will do only 4% more damage.
• Having double rank 5 offensive DPS is worth more than an extra squadron member.

Everyone starts with “Independent tactics” with no option to change it.
• You also start with only rank 1.
• These are both BAD.
Tactics Suggestions
• DPS: Offensive.
• Healer: Offensive.
• Tanks: Offensive or Defensive (I prefer Defensive).

How to Get Different Tactics
You run your squadron through dungeons.
• At first, they kinda suck.
• Once you’ve leveled their tactics it’s like an entirely different game though!

A Note on NPC Healers
Unconfirmed, but…
• Healers feel like they are more aggressive when set to the Offensive stance, seems they would heal later.
• Trade-off for your healers might be faster heals or bigger heals. Either way works.

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