Crafters – What they do?

Carpenters (CRP)

  • Woodworkers.
  • You might want to work on your Botanist at the same time because you’ll need a lot of logs, which Botanists gather.
  • Jewellery, spinning wheels for weavers, fishing rods for Fisher and weapons for spell casters and Archer/Bard are some of the items that are crafted along the way, along with many housing items

Blacksmiths (BSM)

  • Metal workers.
  • They make many of the weapons and tools used by other classes (including Blacksmiths).
  • The Miner class will help to acquire many of the materials that you’ll require. Some items are also craftable and/or used by Armorers

Armorers (ARM)

  • Metal workers.
  • They make many of the shields and metal armours used by classes (E.g.: Paladin).
  • The miner class will help to acquire many of the materials that you’ll require. Some items are also craftable by Blacksmiths

Goldsmiths (GSM)

  • Metal workers.
  • They make jewelry for all classes and gems that are used by other crafters.
  • There are also some cosmetic items that are crafted by Goldsmiths, such as spectacles. The Miner class will help to acquire many of the materials that you’ll require

Leatherworkers (LTW)

  • Skins/Hides.
  • The primary materials that you’ll need for a Leatherworker come from items dropped by creatures killed by Disciples of War/Magic.
  • They make gloves, tops and boots as well as some belts, leg coverings and their leathers are often required by other crafters

Weavers (WVR)

  • Plants. Grasses, cotton bolls, down, fleece and several other raw items make the basic ingredients that a weaver needs so a Botanist will be handy to have.
  • They make cloth armourst that are used by all classes. Tanks, for example, might only need legs and hats, though disciples of magic usually use armour made by Weavers or Leatherworkers

Alchemists (ALC)

  • Minerals and rocks so a Miner will help gather many of the ingredients.
  • They make all types of potions (for HP and MP), books for Arcanists/Scholars/Summoners and ingredients that all other classes often require

Culinarians (CUL)

  • All sorts of ingredients so they will often use things gathered by Fishers, Miners and Botanists.
  • They make food items that boost your stats. Different food items will boost different stats but all edible food provide a bonus 3% XP


  • Along the way you will often come across items that require items crafted by other DoH classes so it’s handy to have many of the classes.
  • Also, they all share the same outfit and jewelry so if they are the same level all of the DoH classes can have only one set.

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Repairing Your Gear

All classes’ gear will be damaged the more you use it and the more that you take damage

  • Repairing an item adds 100% durability to the item. This means that if the item’s condition is 99% and you repair it, the durability becomes 199%. A Mender NPC, by comparison, only ever repairs up to 100%.
  • As an item can only be repaired once the condition is under 100% the highest condition that you can get to (currently, at least) is 199%.
  • If you have a crafting friend, they can also repair your gear! Add them to your party, and through their character info, you can ask them to repair your gear.


  • The crafter needed to repair can be checked by hovering over your gear and looking at the very bottom of the description box.
  • To repair your equipment yourself, you must first level up the corresponding crafter classes: lvl 80 equipment requires the affiliated crafter to be at least lvl 70.
  • You will then have to buy and use black matter of the corresponding level.
    You can buy this via many vendors, we recommend spending your extra Wolf Marks or GC Seals on them.

Once the prerequisites are complete, all you have to do is click on your equipment and choose repair!

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Crafting Advice

Be Aware that leveling your crafters will use your sleep exp bonus!


  • What Teamcraft is and how to use it.:click:
  • Teamcraft, in short, is a website for keeping track of crafting, including providing sample rotations that you can use to simulate what happens when you use skills in your desired order.
  • In free companies, Teamcraft is used to keep track of materials required for the free company project in the Fabrication Station.

Garland Tools:click:

  • Data: Crafting Calculator & Simulator
  • Bell: Find any gathering item’s location and timer.

Useful Leveling Items

  • Any crafting exp food!
    • If you’re in the FC, check the first FC tab, there’s usually food in there.
  • Commercial Engineering Manual
    • Grants a temporary 150% boost to experience points earned from synthesis (up to a maximum of 6,000,000 points)
    • Effect is halved at level 70 and above
    • Manuals are acquired via:
      • 30 White Crafter’s Scrip
      • By sending your squadron out for them
      • GC seals

The “I Can’t Be Bothered To Read” Options

  • Crafter/DoH Leveling 1 – 80 16m53s:click:
  • Crafter/DoH Leveling 1 – 80 9m24s:click:

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Crafting Basics

We won’t go in-depth here as the class quests will give you a form of tutorial for your class. It’s important to remember though that all classes require crystals in addition to materials to craft. These are shards for low-level crafts, crystals for mid to high-level crafts, and clusters for top-tier crafts.

  • Shards can be grown in a garden patch, gathered by the Disciples of the Land, and/or retrieved by retainers.
  • Crystals can be gathered by Disciples of the Land and/or retrieved by retainers.
  • Clusters can only be gathered by the Disciples of the Land.

If you need any crystals ask your free company for how many you can take or be given.

Crystals used by the DoH are one of the following elements:

  • Fire – Red
  • Ice – Light Blue
  • Wind – Green
  • Earth – Yellow
  • Lightning – Purple
  • Water – Blue

The crafters primarily use:

  • CRP – Wind and Ice
  • BSM – Fire and Earth
  • ARM – Ice and Earth
  • GSM – Wind and Fire
  • LTW – Earth and Wind
  • WVR – Lightning and Wind
  • ALC – Water and Lightning
  • CUL – Fire and Water

These aren’t the only crystals in the game but are the ones required to craft. Deep-red clusters, for example, are used as an ingredient for specific recipes.

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Crafting Specialization – What is?

Specialist Souls & Soul of the Crafter

  • Can start at lvl 55!
  • Complete “Beloved of the Builder” via Lydirlona in Mor Dhona x22, y6.
  • Receive a Soul of the Crafter for any three of the Disciples of the Hand.
  • Exchange Soul of the Crafter to Alderan via The Pillars x14.6 y10.7 and trade one of them for the unique, equipable souls.

Equipping a Soul

  • Will give access to unique actions and a minor bonus to your crafting attributes.
  • Limited recipes require being a specialist to craft them, needing Master Recipe books. (These recipes will be greyed out if the player is not currently a specialist.)
  • +20 Craftsmanship, +20 Control, +15 CP.
  • More Souls of the Crafter will cost you 480 White Crafting Scrip via Scrip Exchange NPCs.
    Players can only ever hold up to three specialist souls.
  • You will need to relinquish one of your three souls if you wish to specialize in a different discipline; only three of your crafters at any one time may be specialists.

Crafting Specialization
Currently, there are only four crafting disciplines that have specialist recipes:

  • Alchemist – Two Lv. 90 crafts
  • Armorer – Three Lv. 90 crafts, one Lv. 80 (a PLD Weapon), one Lv. 70 (a PLD Weapon), Special Barding
  • Blacksmith – One Lv. 80 (a PLD Weapon), one Lv. 70 (a PLD Weapon), One Special Tabletop Item
  • Weaver – One Lv. 90 craft

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Crafting Tribes

See our Tribal Quests page for locations of Tribes and all extra info!

Tribe levels

  • Ixali – lvls 1 thru 20
  • Moogle – lvls 50 thru 60
  • Namazu – lvls 60 thru 70
  • Dwarf – lvls 70 thru 80
  • Loporrits – lvls 80 thru 90

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Leveling Tips

Here are a few tips for leveling up your DoH class(es).

  • Keep a good stock of crystals. You’ll need a lot if you intend to get a lot of levels from your crafter
  • Make a variety of items. The crafting log works like the hunting log so you get bonus XP for crafting an item for the first time
  • At lower levels, you can buy all or most of the materials that you need from vendors. If it shows a shop selling price you can buy it for that price from vendors
  • Keep an eye on your gear. When you craft a lot your gear will wear down. Visit a Mender to repair your gear or, if you’re a high enough level, you can repair your gear yourself using Dark Matter.
  • Craft in High Quality. Crafting items in High Quality for Levequests will give you double the EXP.
  • Use your Levequests. The Levequests will give you a large amount of EXP. The standard Levequests will give you less EXP than the large-scale Leves but you can undertake fewer Large-scale leves due to the amount of allowances required.
  • Free Company Actions. Check which days your FC puts up its EXP actions!
  • Complete the Class Quests. Some skills require a class quest to be completed to obtain it. As a top tip: for any class quests that require a High-Quality item to be delivered, aim to gain a few more levels first before attempting it. The HQ crafting class quests are quite difficult to complete when you’re at the minimum required level but leveling up and obtaining new gear will make it a lot easier

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Leveling Crafter

Ways to Level


  • You gain 3 Leve Allowances every 12 hours.
  • Submitting High-Quality items triples the exp gained.

Grand Company Deliveries

  • Turn things in for EXP at your GC.
  • Must be a Sergeant Second Class.

Ishgard Restoration/The Firmament

  • Scroll down just a tiny bit here for more info.

Custom Deliveries

  • Each week, a random item will have a bonus. Delivering this item will reward you with more experience and Scrips!
  • You can deliver a maximum of six items to any specific NPC each week, making a total of 12 Custom Deliveries each week.

Tribal Quests. See our Tribal Quests page.:click:

Rietty’s Leve Guides

Ishgard Restoration/The Firmament

  • Lvl 20-80 content
  • You can get here via the quest “Towards the Firmament” in Foundation around x9.7 y11.5.
  • Requires a certain Heavensward MSQ to get to the Firmament.
  • If you don’t want to gather, mats for The Firmament are usually very cheap on the MB!
  • Extra Info for Everything Firmament & Ishgard Restoration:click:

Lvls 1 thru 20

  • Craft the first item you can, with a base crafting item you can buy from your Guild Supplier, they are be next to your job quest-giver
  • Quick synthesis that item with a stack of 99 crafting mats.
  • Check to see how much exp you’re getting after you’ve crafted with 99 mats. If it’s significantly less, head for the “next” recipe.
  • The next best crafting item is something you can craft using the first mat you bought.
  • Do this until you get to lvl 20.
  • Tribal Quests: Ixali. 1 – 20ish.

Lvls 20 thru 60

  • Grand Company Deliveries
  • Tribal Quests: Moogles. 50 – 60/70
  • Leves

Lvls 60-ish

Lvls 62 to 71

Lvls 71 thru 80

  • The Crystalline Mean Quests
    See; ⁠Scrips, Deliveries & Collectables⁠
  • The Crystarium, around x10.9 y8.4 there should be a bunch of crafting quests. These give a ton of exp.
  • Custom Deliveries
    Ehll Tou, Firmament, 70+
    Charlemend, Firmament, 70+
    Kai-Shirr, Eulmore, 70+
  • Tribal Quests: Dwarves. 70 – 80
  • Leves

Lvls 80 thru 90

  • The Studium
    See; ⁠Scrips, Deliveries & Collectables⁠
    Quest begins with The Faculty via Qih Aliapoh at Old Sharlayan (x:4.0 y9.4)
  • Custom Deliveries
    Ameliance, Old Sharlyan, 80+
    Anden, Il Mheg, 80+
  • Tribal Quests: Loporrits. 80 – 90
  • Leves

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Melding & Over-Melding

Many gear items have materia slots. Materia give you a boost in one of your stats, which gives that little bit extra when your gear is as high as you can get it. Generally speaking it’s only really recommended at Lv80 because your stats can’t go any higher without it but it can be useful at lower levels if you feel it’s worthwhile.

It’s not always guaranteed that you can increase the stat, to note, which is denoted at the bottom of the melding screen. If you want to increase your Critical Hit, for example and the Critical Hit shows 400/400 then you can still meld that materia but it will not increase your Critical Hit. The stat will show in red when this happens and you will see an orange warning that says that the item’s level is too low to maximise the potential.

Gear items typically show one or more slots for materia. These are the slots that are guaranteed, which Material Melder NPCs can use. However, you can still meld materia beyond that, which is referred to as over-melding. Over-melding has a much, much lower success rate than the standard slots and you will usually need to use lower-tier materia to over-meld as it increases the chances of melding successfully. Due to the lower success rate it’s not recommended at all to over-meld before level 80.

For example: if you want to add craftsmanship to an item that has two slots you could use Craftsman’s Competence Materia VIII to the first two slots and possibly the third but it will most likely show a 0% chance of success for the next slot. From there you’ll want to step down to Materia VI rather than VII to increase the chance beyond 0%.

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Tips for Earning Gil

  • When selling items aim to under-cut the cheapest item on the market by only 1-2 gil. Avoid under-cutting further than that because it can lower the value very quickly, especially if someone under-cuts you by the same amount.
  • HQ items are worth more than SQ items so don’t under-cut SQ items with a HQ item.
  • Avoid gil-making guides. When too many people make the same item the market becomes oversaturated and the value drops rapidly. That’s also why this guide doesn’t name specific items to sell.
  • Items that are always needed always sell. For example, crystals are always needed by crafters so they will sell in bulk.
  • Crafted items sell for more than raw materials. For example, lumber is most commonly worth more than logs because other classes may require lumber.
  • Items required for class quests and levequests sell well on the market for people that want to power-level their crafter. They will also fetch a higher price because of this.
  • Gather/craft materials yourself. Although items are available through the marketboard you might end up paying more for the materials than you earn from selling the fully-crafted item.
  • Vendors sell items too. Check the description of items. If the “shop selling price” has a value it’s sold by NPC vendors. This is really handy for low-level items that you want in bulk, such as Copper Ore.
  • Gear items required for the weekly Fashion Report (Fri-Sun) fetch a much higher price than they’re worth. Often one or more items can be purchased from NPC vendors.

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Crafting Macros

Macros will likely become your best asset at the higher levels (and probably even the lower levels). A top-tier craft, for example, requires 19 steps to craft at high quality so to ensure that you get every step correct and in the correct order you can use two macros (as each macro has a maximum of 15 lines).

You can find User Macros in the System menu (the XIV button when using a mouse & keyboard). If you’re here for the first time you’ll see a few example macros to get an idea of how they work. In short, macros are created using in-game commands, which are activated from a forward slash (/), like you do with /dance. So, for a crafter, after you click Synthesise on an item you can use one or more user macros to craft the item.

Skills are referred to as actions in the macros, which is /action or /ac for short. Any actions that have a space in the name (for example: Basic Touch) must be surrounded by double quotes (“). After executing an action, however, you have to wait for the action to be performed before you can move onto the next action. This is where the wait command comes in.

Let’s take a simple action as an example. This action is for a level 54 crafter but you can exchange Muscle Memory for additional skills at lower levels.

/ac “Muscle Memory”
/wait 3
/ac Veneration
/wait 2
/ac “Waste Not”
/wait 2
/ac “Careful Synthesis”

This will craft many low items successfully but may require an additional synthesis or two. This is for SQ items only as the chance of it being a HQ item is the basic (1% unless you have HQ ingredients).

We can decrease the amount of lines required for this by condensing the wait points. This is a lesser-known feature unless you look up other tags, such as <target>. So, with this condensed down we get to:

/ac “Muscle Memory” <wait.3>
/ac Veneration <wait.2>
/ac “Waste Not” <wait.2>
/ac “Careful Synthesis”

As the macros are limited to 15 actions this is handy to use for much larger macros. The wait time varies per action as it’s the time for the action to finish executing but if in doubt use 3 seconds.

See our Macros page for more macro info!

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